Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is Rolfing® Structural Integration?

Rolfing is a technique of fascia manipulation that addresses the connection or disconnection of one part of the body to another with the aim of bringing the body into a more symmetrical vertical alignment. When the body is vertically stable, with all the parts stacked in proper relationship to one another, you will move easier and feel your best.

This systematic approach to enhancing well-being by way of structural alignment was developed by Dr. Ida Rolf beginning in the 1940s. She is credited with a breakthrough understanding of connective tissue and how fascia maintains the human structure. She developed her system of as a way of rebalancing fascia once it has been distorted by experience and trauma. The hands-on approach releases deeply ingrained patterns of tension and strain.

Millions of people have turned to Rolfing Structural Integration over the past 40 years. It has proven highly effective in treating neck and back pain, impaired mobility, repetitive strain injuries and chronic tension, among other ailments. Rolfing is an excellent way to lubricate the tissue and keep the body flexible, whatever your fitness level or age. It is a pathway to enhanced mobility, vitality and balance.

+ What does a typical Rolfing Structural Integration session look like?

Rolfing Structural Integration is performed over the course of 10 sessions, known as the Ten-Series. During each session, you will be asked to walk and do a few simple movements in order to assess posture and movement patterns, functional as well as dysfunctional. After this initial examination, you will be asked to sit or lie on a massage table and the practitioner will employ hands-on techniques to balance the fascia, moving from the superficial to the deep.

Sessions are 75 to 85 minutes long. Each session focuses on a specific area of the body, with each session building on the previous sessions. Over the course of the 10 sessions, you will be invited to discover your center. It is an opportunity to deepen your relationship to your core and improve your ability to move from it.

The goal of the Ten-Series is to bring the body to a more efficient state of organization by addressing its overall patterns and the relationship of the parts to the whole – how they fit , move and function together. Just as no one part of the body functions in isolation, no one part malfunctions in isolation.

+ Why 10 sessions?

+ What is the difference between rolfing and massage and chiropractic techniques?

Rolfing is not a type of deep tissue massage. Massage therapy focuses on muscle tissue. Chiropractic technique manipulates the bones. Rolfing works by releasing, balancing and reorganizing the body’s fascia and adjusting functional and structural imbalances throughout the body. Unlike massage, which addresses symptoms of pain and dysfunction by inducing a relatively temporary state of relaxation, Rolfing seeks a deeper transformation of alignment and postural patterns. Rather than treating symptoms in isolation, Rolfing treats the body as an integrated system of interconnected parts. The goal is to support overall health through better organization of these parts into a coordinated whole.

+ What is fascia?

Fascia is the connective tissue that weaves through the entire body, forming a three-dimensional web-like network. It is what holds us together. It surrounds muscles, bones, organs and joints, providing support and protection while facilitating movement. Problems arise when the fascia becomes too fibrous and ridged, limiting movement. Over time, this fibrous quality creates restrictions that lead to strain, as well as compensation patterns that affect entire muscle groups and, with enough time, the whole body.

+ What does the client wear?

The client should wear clothing that is comfortable while also allowing the body and its movements to be seen. Underwear or short shorts are best, as well as, for women, a bra or tank top that allows access to the neck, shoulders, and back. You should dress in a way that allows you to feel comfortable, safe, and relaxed. Note, however, that tight-fitting shorts or boxer briefs, undergarments with thick straps (such as sports bras), or any other form of clothing that restricts or complicates access to key areas of the body – scapula, shoulders, sternum, hips – will hinder your practitioner’s access and limit her efficacy in the work.

+ Why does Rolfing Structural Integration have a reputation of being painful?

Since Rolfing works directly to expand and lengthen the soft tissue of the body through fascia manipulation, the areas of the body subject to holding patterns or imbalances can experience temporary discomfort during this manipulation. That said, touch should always feel acceptable and good even when it is deep. The practice of Rolfing has evolved with the current scientific understanding of the nervous system, and when the nervous system reacts to pressure by pulling away, holding the breath, or shifting the attention elsewhere, one is less likely to integrate the work. For this reason, the practitioner will stay in communication with the client and will give support or change tactics when needed.